The speed limit on Corrotoman Drive, beginning at Marina Road, is 25 mph.

Please slow down - there are kids, people, pets, and wildlife at every turn!

Note: Feb 2024   Interested in Running for the Board?
If you are interested in running for one of three CBTB board positions, please submit your nomination to by Wednesday March 5th so that the ballots for this year’s Annual Meeting and Election may be approved at the March 8th Board Meeting.  Please submit a brief resume and the reason why you desire to be elected to the Board of Directors.


Upcoming Meetings and

Community Events

Next Board Meeting

  Proposed Dates for 2025- 2026 Board Meetings

​                            Saturday, January 11th, 2025 9am

                          *Saturday February 22nd, 2025 9am

                            Saturday, March 8th, 9am

                            Saturday, May 4th, 9am

                            Saturday, July 12th, 9am

                            Saturday, September 13th, 9am

                            Saturday, November 8th, 9am

                            Saturday, January 10th, 2026 9am ​​

* 2/22/25 The only agenda items for this meeting will be to review and approve the pool construction contract and financing.

Annual Meeting

Proposed date for the 2025 meeting is Saturday May 4, 2025

Committee Meetings

Finance Committee, Capital Reserve Sub-committee will meet again at 5:30 pm on Monday March 3rd in the Clubhouse and via Zoom, interested Community members desiring Zoom link should forward a request to CBTB organizational email

​​Amenities: New Key Requests   Update  March 2023
Keys will be issued to CBTB property owners in good standings.

Amenities form must be completed to recieve new keys for all amenities.  

Email requests to Atten: Pool Chair and/or Tennis Chair

​​​​2023/24 Amenities Application

Pool Renovation Project Information

*Governing Document Review Letter: April 2023​ 

Annual  assessments are due 3/31/25.

Invoices will be mailed on/around 3/1/25

Enjoy the winter months.

spring is around the corner!

NOTE:  Jan 2024   

ACSWest is transitioning to a new accounting system and asking for property owners to sign up to their portal.  Owners should have recieved an email or letter with the log-in information.  CBTB has also shared details regarding this issue via FaceBook and emails on file with CBTB.  If you have any questions contact

CBTB News:

IMPORTANT:CBTB's  Accounting Firm is ACS West, Inc., 1904 Byrd Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23230
Phone:  804-282-7451. All checks should be made payable to CBTB Association.




Real Estate Agents and

Potential Buyers

Click here for more information about our Property Owners  Association (POA), our community  and for the required disclosure packets.

Letter regarding seller requirement to purchase POA disclosure packets.

Our Financial Services Management Company is ACS West, Inc. Their address is:
CBTB c/o ACS West, Inc.,
1904 Byrd Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23230. Phone: 804-282-7451.

If you are buying or selling your POA property disclosure packets must be ordered through ACS.
Click here for more information

Annual Dues 

Each LOT in the community is assessed $260 per lot annually and payment is due on March 31 every year.
Annual assessment invoices will be sent by ACS West. Any questions regarding invoices contact ACS West at 804-282-7451. 

Not getting CBTB emails? Send an email with your name, lot number(s) and address to to be added to the list.

Copyright © Corrotoman By The Bay Association. All rights reserved.  2023

Last update January 27, 2023  CBTB, P.O. Box 99, Mollusk, VA