Out and About our Community

Email Distribution List

To receive the newsletter, meeting notices and other CBTB information, email your address, name, lot number and CBTB street address to and we’ll add you to the list. Don’t worry, we won’t SPAM you with tons of email! It will be used only to send future newsletters, important messages, and meeting and event announcements.

MetroCast Cable & Internet . . . . . . .  804-435-2828

Northern Neck Electric Co-Op  . . . . . .866-663-2688

         Link to Outage Map

Northern Neck Wireless . . . . . . . . . . . 804-436-9434

Virginia American Water . . . . . . . . . . . 800-452-6863

VA Dept of Game and Inland Fisheries

Important Phone Numbers and Links

Lancaster County Sheriff . . . . . . . . . . .804-462-5111

U.S. Coast Guard (Milford Haven) . . . 804-725-2125

Rappahannock General Hospital . . . .804-435-8000

   Emergency Room (24 hours) . . . . . .804-435-8544

VA Marine Police . . . Ch 16 or . . . . . . 800-541-4646

Lancaster Co Trash and Recycling Centers

Lancaster County Government

Schedule of Events

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held at 9 AM at the CBTB Clubhouse.

Calendar Of Events

    Volunteers & Ideas Needed
    The Board has a goal of one community event a monthly and is looking for ideas for events or volunteers to host an event. Email your ideas to or let one of the Board members know.

    Have an idea for a CBTB event?  Email us at


    New Property Owners

    Welcome to the neighborhood! We hope to meet you soon at the one of our events or in the neighborhood. Please see the New to CBTB page for information on joining the pool, renting a boat slip or access to the marina. Other forms and information can be found on the Documents page. Please call 804-435-0321 for access to the clubhouse.