General Guidelines for Usage of Amenities
1. Amenities are available for all property owners in good standing and their invited guests.
2. CBTB property owners are responsible for actions of their guests.
3. All members and guests use the CBTB amenities at their own risk.
4. All organized activities such as tennis, swimming, or pickleball lessons, etc. need to meet the approval of the CBTB Board of Directors. Dates and times of lessons should be posted.
5. Safety is important. Don’t get hurt and have fun!
6. Keys should not be duplicated. If a key is lost, please notify the appropriate Committee Chair or CBTB Board. Replacements will be paid by owner and a new key issued after payment is received.
Our 80,000 gallon pool is the center gathering place of the community in the summer. Membership is open to property owners in good standing and is included in your annual dues.
Pool Hours Pool is open from dawn to dusk.
Pool Rules
1. No glass containers are permitted within the fenced area surrounding the pool.
2. No running is permitted within the fenced area surrounding the pool.
3. Proper swimming attire is required. Cutoffs and/or street clothes are not allowed in the pool.
4. A shower and footbath are required prior to entering the pool.
5. Waterproof rubber pas are required for children in diapers.
6. Rafts or large flotation devices, which could block the bottom of the pool, are not permitted.
7. No smoking in pool area.
8. Diving rules:
a. Only one person at a time on the diving board.
b. No diving from the side of the board.
c. Single bounce only d. Swim immediately to the side of the pool after diving.
e. No swimming in the area under the diving board.
f. No goggles, masks or flippers allowed on the diving board.
Pool Renovation Project Information
Dock and Boat Slip Rental
All CBTB property owners in good standing are entitled access to the dock and boat ramp. Please contact the dockmaster at to request a key. There are 12 boat slips available for rent year-round for an annual fee. Slips will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a slip, please submit a completed Amenities Application, along with the $200 rental fee and a copy of your boat insurance policy to: CBTB Association, Boat Slip Rental Attn: Dockmaster, CBTB, P.O. Box 99, Mollusk, VA 22517.
Learn more about our waters here
Kayak Rack Space Rentals
Is getting your kayak down to the water a hassle? Rent one of six spaces on the kayak rack located near the boat ramp for an annual fee of $25.00. Please complete theAmenities Application and send it along with your check for $25 to CBTB Association, Kayak Rack Space Rental, to CBTB, P.O. Box 99, Mollusk, VA 22517.
Clubhouse and Pavilion
CBTB Clubhouse and surrounding common area is the central meeting place for our community. Board meetings are held at the Clubhouse, as well as community events throughout the year. The Clubhouse and outdoor pavilion are also available to rent for private events. Please see the usage rules and amenities application linked below for more information. For rental availability, please contact us at
Amenities Agreement
Golf Course
The 9-hole golf course, located in the common area around the pool, is open to CBTB property owners in good standing.
Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Two tennis/pickleball courts reopened in May 2020 after a complete renovation. The courts are located in the common ground area and are available for to CBTB property owners in good standing. Please contact Tennis/Pickleball Committee at to obtain a key. Also, please familiarize yourself with the court rules.
Tennis/Pickleball Court Rules
1. The courts are locked when not in use. Please lock them when leaving the courts.
2. The maximum number of playing guests to accompany a member shall be three.
3. Appropriate footwear such as soft, smooth, rubber-soled tennis shoes shall be worn to eliminate injury to players or damage to the courts.
4. Courts should be swept free of debris before play. Be careful not to track dirt or mud onto the courts. If the courts are wet after a rain, use the roller to eliminate the water.
5. No glass containers or glass items are allowed in the court area. All trash or debris should be removed upon leaving the courts.
6. No pets, skateboards, roller-skates, rollerblades, cycles, motor or petal are allowed on the courts.
7. If other players are waiting, limit your use to one (1) hour. A single family or group shall occupy only one court.
8. The CBTB President or a Board Member should be contacted in the event of: a. A large group using the courts, schedule in advance b. Hazards, damage or other concerns c. Any personal injury.
9. No smoking on the courts!
Frisbee Golf *NEW to our Community*
The frisbee golf baskets were a community effort - so thanks to everyone who helped!
There are lots of resources online, but here is a link with some videos and directions to start your journey...
How to Play and Rules for Recreational Play
There are two sets of frisbees for community use.
Loaner discs are located in a box near the pump house.
These were donated, so please:
- Be kind and return them to the box near the pump house.
- Only use them to play frisbee golf. Don't let your dog grab one and run.
Last update February 6, 2023